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28 July 2016 at 23:29
New: a Starbound server!
From Doctacosa

Starbound title screen

Many people I know have played Starbound, some more than others. Several also paused for a while, waiting for the real launch of the game. Well, that happened less than a week ago, with the release of Starbound 1.0, and I decided to launch a server for everyone!

For those not in the know, Starbound is a 2D game that involves exploration, mining and crafting, not unlike Minecraft, although a bigger focus is set on the exploration element. With many playable races and several procedurally generated elements, repeated playthroughs can be quite different! It's available now on Steam and

This new place, called the Avian's Lab, aims to recreate the same easy-going attitude that players have grown to love from the Creeper's Lab. It's opened to both new and experienced players alike.

Some of the conveniences that players have gotten used to are also available on the server of the Avian's Lab. This includes an IRC link-up to chat with the in-game players without needing to log in yourself, and the ability to protect planets so that only you is allowed to make changes to your habitat.

I invite everyone to check out the new mini-website for some more details. If you want to jump directly in-game, you can use the address (leave the port empty) from the multiplayer menu to get going.

Should this prove to be popular, I'll expand the website to have more information. If you have suggestions about this, don't hesitate to speak up!

Invite your Starbound player friends to the Avian's Lab, and let's go explore the final frontier together!

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What's this?! (Said like jack skellington)

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