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6 October 2017 at 18:32
Walk Down the Boardwalk
From Masterlink

Salutations Netizens of Creeper's Lab,

I know this is rather short notice, but it seems that Events Night has been a bit blah lately, so this Saturday at 9EST, we'll be doing some things in one of the oldest towns.


Players can take a transporter to Townshend and mingle around, check out the town, then hit up the Boardwalk area. This is where a lot of original games reside and we'll be playing around the area. Just getting the community together for a few rounds of Spleef, Connect 4, Battleship, Fishing tournaments... These are a few attractions found down the boardwalk.

A full list of attractions can always be found Here.

Also feel free to drop by the discord audio channel to get in on a conversation, possibly a few laughs, and just talk. This night is just to help get back together as a community and remind us all why we love being part of the Creeper's Lab. If you read this, pass it on to fellow members, or friends that haven't dropped by, it'd be a great start to new friendships.

I hope to see you there.

- Masterlink

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