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24 September 2016 at 23:52
Monopoly game results!
From Doctacosa

A few people have asked me about the results of the Monopoly game event, then I realized that I never did post them. My mistake!

Up to 12 players showed up to participate in the cutthroat world of finance, leading to an initial problem with cash flow. The Central Bank printed more money (hello inflation!), then the game got underway. After a few hours of gameplay, and with the hour getting rather late, we agreed to count each participant's cash and properties to determine the winners. Ultimately, Coneva, RoxastheAwesome and axe_y were the top three winners! They have all earned some diamonds from the entry fee that each participant had to provide.

Thanks to everyone who joined in for this special night, Itachi for efficiently running the bank and keeping the game running smoothly, and of course to Toad_ for building the board itself and coordinating the event!

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